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About Us

Whiskey t-shirts for whiskey lovers

Whiskey Lovers... We've Got Your Backs 

You get to a bar, order your favorite glass of whiskey, and sit down with your friends. 

After some laughs and good conversation, the bartender sweeps your glass from right under your nose. You still had some whiskey left in there!

Friends, this is the all too familiar story we have to put up with as whiskey lovers. 

We don't drink beer where you can take or leave those last sips.

We drink whiskey and want to savor every last drop.

This is why we created Hands Off My Whiskey. To take a stand against; the eager bartender, the impatient waiter, the overly friendly acquaintance. 

And we want to help you do the same. 

So, look around, enjoy our gifts, and spread the word. We're claiming back every last drop of our whiskey.